Here’s what I learnt about Aviary Netting

It has been 4 years now that I have been a successful poultry farmer, ever since I took a break from the hectic corporate life and decided to settle down in the countryside and have a farm of my own. The journey wasn’t that easy I must acknowledge, as the choice of profession (poultry farming) was poles apart from my IT job which I was doing earlier. But this is what I always wished to do – to have a farm of my own, grow my own veggies, flowers, build a poultry farm, and eventually convert this into a business where I can sell my local produce. During my stint as a poultry farmer, I learnt all about aviary-netting, initially although with a few trial and error, as I did not have the knowledge about what kind of nets to purchase, the dos and don’ts etc. So, I thought of putting together an article which would help new poultry farmers like me and save them the hassle that I had to go through during my initial days.
What is Aviary Netting?

Let’s start with the basics. Before you get into poultry farming, you need to know first what aviary-netting is. This is something which is a must have for your poultry farm. Aviary net or bird netting is a netting structure made usually out of high density polyethylene fiber, which is a flexible and highly durable material that helps in preventing birds from getting injured. It also helps to protect your kitchen/flower garden from the rampage of your poultry family. Another variant of aviary net is poultry netting. Poultry netting is a wire mesh that is commonly used to house your poultry livestock, such as chickens, in a run or coop. It is commonly made out of flexible, thin, galvanized steel wire, with hexagonal gaps/spaces.
Few Things about Aviary-Netting
Nowadays, you have quite a variety of aviary net available in the market. It ranges from aviary nets for various species of birds such as peacocks, birds of prey, from the largest to the smallest in size. The aviary net that is available in the market these days is of very good quality with high durability. Almost all aviary net these days are UV treated to provide you with nets which have maximum field life expectancy.

You can find knitted aviary nets as well as knotted aviary nets. These nets come with all the hex fencing, clamps, cables, and other necessary accessories to help you construct long lasting solid aviaries. There is also an entire range of aviary wind screens and shades which can help you protect your birds or poultry from the sun. Nowadays, you also get custom made aviary-netting in varied sizes based on your requirement.
Types of Aviary-Netting
To help you in your aviary net decision making, here are the types of netting that you need to be aware of.
Polyethylene Knotted
This type of aviary net is not only flexible but highly durable as well. It helps in preventing your birds from getting injured. Whether you are looking out for poultry netting, farm netting, chicken pen netting, quail netting or any other type of aviary-netting, you get a lot of variety in this material. These nets are not just meant for bird control, but they are also useful for meeting your special netting project requirements.
Polypropylene Knitted
This type of aviary net is made using seamless construction. It is perfectly suitable for all types of bird exclusion requirements. This netting is flame resistant, UV resistant, and rot resistant.

This type of aviary netis made of UV max stabilizer fiber which has a life of 7-10 years. This type of netting is used for sports netting, bird netting, aquaculture and many more uses. You get these in standard sizes which are easily shipped to you. The high quality of this type of bird netting is just apt for your bird pens including your fly pens which prevent your winged friends from injury as they fly around to exercise. This variety of aviary netcan last for years even if used outdoors under direct sunlight.
Pen Construction
The pheasant fly pens that are available these days are different than the regular fly pens. Each of these pens has a dimension of 100 ft. wide by 300 ft. long and is all free span. The support poles are eliminated by using an overhead cable, pulley and rope system. This has greatly brought down the mortality rate of birds which used to die previously while flying into the support poles. These pheasant fly pens have 7 ft. sidewalls in which the post and poles are set on 25 ft. centers.

In the poultry farming industry, the significance of aviary net cannot be underestimated. The flexibility of the material used in poultry netting has made it quite useful and valuable as a product. Another advantage is that the strength and ductility of aviary net is not easily destroyed. Owing to its robust characteristic, it can endure various types of weather changes. It also safeguards your livestock from predators such as wild animals. It facilitates the safety of your animals without obstructing a good ventilation flow which is vital for the health of your livestock. Aviary net can also sustain the pressure that other animals may apply to the net. Cleaning your coop and cages has also become much easier with poultry netting as its tiny holes facilitate deep penetration with your cleaning materials.
So now that you are quite well informed with the basic know how of aviary net, I wish you all the luck with your poultry farming!