Strong and Long-lasting Plastic Aviary Net

Poultry Breeds the Best in the Aviaries
Aviaries are various enclosures for birds. Whether you have a poultry farm or just a small pen in the backyard, you will need an adequate structure to organize their feeding, moving, and their protection from bird pests or other predators. Surrounded by the aviary net, the poultry will grow healthy in the safe environment according to your plan. You can avoid most inconveniences such as sudden loss caused by predators or the spreading some ailment from wild birds. Once you have invested in the quality aviary net, you have chosen the security of your property over a risk. Sudden accidents or other unpredictable situations that do not depend on you still may happen and affect your asset but if you are sure of having done everything you could, you will handle a new situation with the peaceful mind. Intruders and predators are not the only risks for your poultry. It may escape and become a prey. That can be avoided by the implementation of the net. The net is crucial for the protection in both directions, and it must be of an excellent quality to fulfill its task. The same goes if you just want to remodel the existing aviary or to repair it.

Various Nets for Various Birds
Netting is an essential compartment of every aviary but not every net suit to every kind of birds. Large game birds require aviary net of plastic materials. Most common are nylon and polypropylene. Wire mesh is convenient for pet birds, and it is made of stainless steel. There is a list of steps you should carefully think about before you finally buy the aviary net. The material has to be appropriate to the sort of birds you own. If the gaps between the nets are larger than your birds, they might escape. Common gaps’ size for game birds is 2″ or 1″. The last one is suitable for holding pet birds and smaller sized birds. Gaps can be even smaller, and their dimensions may vary from 0.5″ to 0.25″. They are just enough for raising chickens. Besides the gap size, the strength is also very important. It prevents birds from escaping on the one side, while on the other; it will stop bigger predators such as foxes and cats from entering the aviary. Some birds, especially parrots can easily chew a mesh. It needs to be solid.

Quality Netting Material
Sun can affect the aviary net but if it is UV resistant it will preserve the form and strength in the long period of time. Materials the nets are made of are durable and UV resistant. Polyethylene, Polypropylene or Nylon are resilient plastic fabrics. Chicken wire is made of corrosion resistant thin, and flexible stainless steel. Otherwise, it would last only a few months. It is practical for fencing small poultry livestock. Gaps are hexagonal in 0, 5 to 2 inches diameter. In some cases, it can be used for the cages for small animals or to protect plants. However, the thin wire might be damaged by gnawing, and it is not reliable to keep out predators. Construction material can also be reinforced with this wire. To build a solid quality aviary or to repair the existing one, the aviary net must be of the right size to cover the panel. Precise measuring is essential to provide a confinement for larger birds inside the pen or coop, and to resist predators. Strong and long-lasting netting left in open will serve its purpose for years. Quality material is supposed to withstand extreme weather whatever the season.

Effective and Not-effective Bird Control Methods
By breeding poultry or crops, bird control is necessary. There are different methods to eliminate the danger of bird pests. Birds oftentimes serve as disease transmitters or they cause some other health-related issues. Acid from their droppings damages the property. Birds also affect harvest by damaging fruits and crops. Physical barriers are not the only deterrents but they are most efficient and cost-effective. Birds are quickly adaptable species. If they are prevented from entering, they modify behavior. Physical deterrents encompass steel or plastic systems without doing any harm to birds. They simply repel them keeping your asset safe. Chemical deterrents are not recommendable, and their use is often subject to the law. Many states have strict regulations when it comes to this kind of repellents. On the other hand, there are some harmless chemical repellents that are giving limited results. The low effect is also noticeable by sonic avian deterrents that are implemented in large open areas. Combined sounds discourage birds’ pests to enter the area but avian species adapt fast to sounds and start to ignore them. Birds also learn that wind-driven scare devices are not the real threat. The total blocking methods remain the deterrents that birds cannot adapt to.

Quality Netting Protects from Outside and Inside
Stainless steel wire with a zinc coating and netting made of polyethylene, polypropylene or nylon are strong and long-lasting even in the wet weather conditions. Implemented as an aviary net, they guarantee high-quality protection against predators, birds’ pests and escape of your poultry. Left in the open air such netting is UV and rust resistant. The durability has been estimated for several years. These features make it highly cost-efficient. You can achieve best results if you use netting from the start. It will decrease every risk to a minimum while on the other side; you can direct your time and effort to other activities related to the breeding of poultry livestock. Chickens, pheasants or pets will be protected from health concerns and attacks of other birds. Their moving will be limited but inside the available space they will grow freely and protected, and you will not have any hard thoughts if they might escape. Simple installation of the solid and durable netting prevents poultry from escape even if it is prone to chewing.